Macchiato vs Cappuccino

Macchiato vs Cappuccino

Macchiato and cappuccino are two popular espresso-based drinks that differ in their preparation, size, and ingredients. Here’s a summary of the key differences between the two:


  • A macchiato is an espresso-based drink that is usually served in a small glass or ceramic cup. It’s made by adding a small amount of foamed milk or milk foam to a shot of espresso.
  • The word “macchiato” means “stained” or “marked” in Italian, referring to the small amount of milk that is added to the espresso. A traditional macchiato is served in a small cup and has a strong, bold taste with a hint of sweetness from the milk.


  • A cappuccino is a popular espresso-based drink that is made with equal parts of espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam. It’s typically served in a larger cup or mug than a macchiato.
  • The milk in a cappuccino is steamed to create a thick, creamy foam that sits on top of the espresso. The drink is often dusted with cocoa powder or cinnamon for added flavor and presentation.
  • Cappuccinos have a more balanced flavor profile than macchiatos, with a mild espresso taste and a creamy, sweet finish from the milk and foam.

In summary, a macchiato is a smaller, stronger drink that features a small amount of foamed milk or milk foam added to a shot of espresso. A cappuccino is a larger drink made with equal parts of espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam, with a milder espresso taste and a creamy, sweet finish. Both drinks are delicious and can be customized to suit individual taste preferences.

Ratio Differences

One of the main differences between a macchiato and a cappuccino is the ratio of ingredients. In a macchiato, the espresso is the dominant flavor, with a small amount of steamed milk and foam to balance it out. In a cappuccino, the espresso, steamed milk, and foam are in equal parts, creating a more balanced and creamy drink. This is the reason why a macchiato is considered as a stronger coffee than a cappuccino.

Drink Size

Another difference between the two drinks is the size. A macchiato is typically served in a small cup, while a cappuccino is served in a medium-sized cup. This is because a macchiato is intended to be a stronger, more concentrated coffee, while a cappuccino is intended to be a more balanced, creamy coffee.


In terms of preparation, a macchiato is typically made with a single shot of espresso, while a cappuccino is made with a double shot of espresso. This is because a macchiato is intended to be a stronger, more concentrated coffee, while a cappuccino is intended to be a more balanced, creamy coffee.

The Bottom Line – Macchiato vs Cappuccino

In conclusion, a macchiato and a cappuccino are two classic Italian coffees that are quite different in terms of taste, texture, and preparation. A macchiato is a stronger, more concentrated coffee that is made by layering espresso, steamed milk, and foam, while a cappuccino is a balanced, creamy coffee that is made by layering espresso, steamed milk, and foam in equal parts. Next time you order a coffee, take into consideration the type of coffee you are in the mood for, whether it’s a stronger or a more balanced one, and make your choice accordingly.