How To Get Rid of Fruit Flies in Drain

There’s nothing like the beautiful aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the morning air. It’s the scent of a new day, possibilities, and a much-needed caffeine kick. But, sometimes, our serene morning ritual gets interrupted, not just by drain flies but their equally pesky cousins: fruit flies.

  • Drain Flies: These tiny, moth-like creatures love the stagnant water in drains, sewage systems, and damp organic material.
  • Fruit Flies: These are slightly different and more attractive to ripe, rotting, or decayed fruit and vegetables. They can also breed in drains, empty bottles, and cans.

Why They Love Your Coffee Corner

  1. Attraction to Moisture: Coffee machines, especially those with reservoirs, can retain moisture, a perfect breeding ground for both flies.
  2. Proximity to Food Sources: Storing fruits or organic materials near your coffee machine can be an open invitation for fruit flies.
  3. Drains: If your coffee machine is situated near a sink, the flies might migrate from the drain, drawn by the warmth and aroma of your brew.

Effective Methods to Bid Them Goodbye

  1. Boiling Water: A straightforward remedy. Pour boiling water down the drain to kill eggs or larvae and prevent the proliferation of these pests.
  2. Natural Drain Cleaner: A mix of salt, baking soda, and vinegar poured down the drain can be left overnight and flushed with boiling water the next day. This mixture tackles clogs and removes the organic residue that’s so inviting to flies.
  3. Commercial Drain Cleaners: Products like Drano or Bio-Clean can effectively combat fly infestations. Always ensure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  4. Apple Cider Vinegar Trap: A time-tested remedy. Fill a dish with apple cider vinegar, cover it with plastic wrap, poke a few holes, and watch as the flies get lured in, never to come out.


Ways to Stay Fly-Free

  • Regularly clean and dry your drains to prevent stagnation.
  • Properly store fruits and organic materials.
  • Maintain and dry your coffee machines after every use.
  • Consider mesh screens for your windows and doors to act as a barrier.


Your morning coffee moments should be treasured, undisturbed by the irritating buzz of flies. While these tiny pests are harmless, they can certainly be annoying. By following the steps above and ensuring a clean environment, you can sip your brew in peace every day.