What Is a Red Eye Coffee?

A Red Eye, eloquently named to signify its eye-opening abilities, is a coffee drink that intertwines the soothing body of regular brewed coffee with the potent zest of espresso. The dance of these two varieties culminates in a beverage that boasts a strong and bold flavor and provides an extra kick of caffeine, acting as a trusty ally to those seeking an energetic start to their day or a midday rejuvenation.

A Symphony of Flavors: The Making of Red Eye Coffee

The foundation of Red Eye lies in the beautiful amalgamation of its core components. A typical preparation involves brewing a cup of regular coffee and inviting a shot of espresso to join the mix. The resulting beverage is an orchestra of flavors, with the espresso adding a vigorous intensity to the mellow and inviting notes of the brewed coffee.

Biohazard Super Strong Coffee

Though simple in its formulation, the Red Eye is a testament to the magic that can occur when two seemingly distinct elements converge.

For those crafting this beverage at home, a double espresso is often recommended to elevate the coffee’s robustness and intensity, ensuring that the boldness of the espresso charmingly pierces through the serene landscape of the brewed coffee.

Customization: A Personal Touch to Your Brew

One of the enchanting qualities of Red Eye Coffee is its customizability. This beverage graciously welcomes your personal touches, allowing you to tailor it to your unique palate. Whether you’re a devotee of the classic black coffee or have a penchant for a creamier concoction, the Red Eye obliges. Add sugar, milk, cream, or explore with other flavorings to create a beverage that is distinctly yours.

Selecting the Right Coffee: A Guided Choice

Choosing the right coffee to create your perfect Red Eye can feel like a daunting expedition, given the many available options. Without anchoring on a specific product, let’s navigate through some general guidelines:

  • For the Brewed Coffee: Seek a blend that provides a solid yet not overpowering base. A medium roast often serves well, offering a balanced profile of acidity and sweetness without overshadowing the boldness of the espresso.
  • For the Espresso: A dark roast is traditionally preferred for its potent, caramelized sweetness and lower acidity, which boldly carves through the brewed coffee, ensuring its presence is distinctly felt in the Red Eye.

How To Make Red Eye Coffee

Here are step-by-step instructions for making Red Eye coffee:


  • Freshly brewed regular coffee
  • One shot of espresso


  1. Brew regular coffee: Start by brewing a cup of regular coffee using your preferred method. You can use a drip coffee maker, French press, or any other method you usually use to make coffee. Brew enough coffee for one serving, and make it strong to ensure a robust flavor.
  2. Prepare the espresso shot: If you have an espresso machine, grind your espresso beans to a fine consistency and extract a single shot of espresso according to the instructions for your machine. If you don’t have an espresso machine, you can use an espresso stovetop pot or a portable espresso maker to make your shot.
  3. Combine coffee and espresso: Once your regular coffee is brewed and your espresso shot is ready, pour the shot of espresso into your cup of brewed coffee. The ratio of coffee to espresso can be adjusted to your preference. If you prefer a milder taste, use a smaller amount of espresso. For a stronger flavor, use a larger shot.
  4. Stir and customize: Gently stir the coffee and espresso together using a spoon to ensure they are well mixed. At this point, you can add any additional flavorings or sweeteners if desired. You may add sugar, milk, cream, or any other ingredients to personalize your Red Eye coffee to your taste.
  5. Enjoy: Your Red Eye coffee is now ready to be enjoyed! Sip and savor the bold and caffeinated flavors of this energizing beverage. Remember to consider the higher caffeine content of Red Eye coffee when consuming it, especially if you are sensitive to caffeine.

That’s it! You have successfully made Red Eye coffee. Experiment with different ratios of coffee to espresso and customize it to your liking with various additions. Cheers!

How To Make Red Eye Coffee With Nespresso


To make a red eye coffee with a Nespresso machine, you will need:

  1. A Nespresso machine
  2. A Nespresso coffee pod (strong coffee flavor recommended)
  3. A cup of brewed or black coffee


  1. Turn on your Nespresso machine and allow it to heat up.
  2. Insert a Nespresso coffee pod into the machine and select the desired cup size.
  3. Brew the coffee and pour it into a mug.
  4. Take your cup of black or cursed coffee and pour it into the mug with the Nespresso coffee.
  5. Stir the two coffees together and enjoy your red eye coffee.

If you do not have a Nespresso, brew your favorite coffee however you normally would. Brew a shot of espresso mix the two and serve.


The Red Eye Coffee, with its robust personality and versatile nature, has carved its niche in the hearts of coffee lovers around the globe. Whether you’re delving into its depths for the first time or are a seasoned aficionado, the Red Eye stands ready to offer a vibrant, customizable experience, ensuring each sip is a new adventure in the expansive world of coffee.