Awesome Cold Brew Latte Recipe

What Is a Cold Brew Latte?

Cold brew lattes are a popular choice during the warmer months as they are refreshing and provide a smooth, creamy texture. A cold brew latte is a type of coffee drink that is made with cold brewed coffee, frothed milk, and sometimes flavored syrup. It is a delicious alternative to the hot latte which is made with a shot of espresso.

Cold brew lattes comprise of cold brew concentrate and your choice of milk such as 2%, oat milk, almond milk, or soy milk. Typically the ratio is 1/3 concentrate and 2/3 milk. They can also be made with non-dairy milks such as almond or soy, making them suitable for those who are lactose intolerant or have dietary restrictions.

What Is Cold Brew?

Cold brewed coffee is made by steeping coarsely ground coffee beans in cold water for an extended period of time, usually 12-24 hours. This process results in a coffee that is smoother, less acidic, and less bitter than regular hot brewed coffee. The result is a potent cold brew concentrate which can be diluted with water if need be.

What Is a Latte?

A regular latte is made with espresso and milk where it’s about 1:4 coffee to milk. Typically 2% is the best type of milk to use with this drink because it is a lot easier to froth than whole milk. Of course if you’re into other types of milk or have dietary restrictions, this can be made with whatever you’ve got.

How To Make a Cold Brew Latte

If you’re looking to spice up your coffee game with something new, and you happen to like strong caffeinated drinks that are perfect for the summer then look no further! The best part is that a cold brew latte tends to be easier on the digestive system, depending on the milk you decide to use.

To make the latte, we’ll first need the concentrate. Keep in mind that cold brew typically takes 12-24 hours to fully steep, however there are machines out there that can brew it in as little as 25-45 minutes. If you’re interested in the machine, check out the Presto Dorothy Electric Rapid Cold Brewer.

How To Make Cold Brew Coffee


  • Coffee Beans: First, we’ll need to grind up some fresh coffee. Start with your preferred bean and measure out 1 cup. 1 cup = ~ 10 cups of coffee. We really like Costa Rica Aurora by Peet’s coffee because it is low acidity, bold and super smooth. It’s important to use a coarsely ground bean for maximum coffee bean flavor extraction!
  • 4 Cups of water in a French Press or cold brew coffee maker. I’m using my trusty Bodum bean cold brew coffee maker, but you can just as easily make this in a french press if you’ve got one.
  • Place the grinds into the water.
  • Put the cover on, and press the plunger until it touches the top surface of the water. We want the coffee beans to sink quickly.
  • Place in the fridge for 12-24 hours.

Latte Time!

Now that you’ve got your cold brew concentrate we can make the latte!

  • Ingredients:
    • Cold brew coffee
    • 1 cup milk (dairy or non-dairy)
    • 1-2 tbsp sweetener (optional)
    • Ice (optional)


    • In a small saucepan, heat the milk over medium heat until it is steaming. Alternatively, you can use a handheld frother to froth the milk.

    • Add the sweetener to the cold brewed coffee, if using.
    • Add ice, if desired.
    • Prefill some of the frothed milk in to the glass. Allow it to settle for half a minute.
    • Pour the cold brewed coffee into a glass.

    • Add some milk foam on top.
    • Enjoy!