Coffee Delivered To Me: The Freshest Coffee on The Market

While Peet’s locations offer pickup and delivery service, there is also the subscription service that delivers coffee to homes and businesses. While you might not open your door to an iced latte and a smile, getting the beans at home is actually better because you can have full control over how your coffee is made.

Peet’s Coffee offers a subscription service for coffee lovers who want to receive their favorite Peet’s coffee regularly. Customers can choose to receive either whole beans or ground coffee, and can select their desired delivery frequency (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly). Subscribers also receive special discounts on their orders and can customize their coffee selections at any time. Plus, with the option to pause or cancel their subscription at any time, it’s an easy and convenient way to enjoy fresh Peet’s coffee without having to remember to place an order each time.

Coffee Selection Delivered

Peet’s offers a WIDE selection of coffee. Everything from whole beans to finely ground espresso, selections from Bali to Colombia, there is something for everyone. They even carry a wide variety of decaf coffee too. Peet’s has a baseline of staple coffees along with a rotating selection based on season. There is always something new to try, and they frequently have upwards of ~50 coffees to choose from.

For instance there are coffees from the Americas, Africa / Arabia, and the Indo-Pacific!

Take a look at the Aged Sumatra, a dark roast with a full body. Single origin and sourced in the Indo-Pacific, it features notes of heavy spice, dried fruit, and old teak.

Peet’s Subscription

With every choice of Peet’s coffee or tea, you have the option to choose whole bean, ground, and coarseness based on brew method. As you add more to your subscription, the more you save, 5% off $30+ and 10% off $50+.

Curated Selection

Peet’s coffee delivery can either be built with your choices, or select one or their programs for something new every month. For instance there is an “Experience The World” option of coffees from different regions. You can get to know the elemental flavors of a specific region! Cool!

Peet’s Pricing

The most affordable option at the time of this writing is $16 a month, which for a pound of coffee is competitive.

Free Shipping

Peet’s coffee delivery covers the cost of shipping no matter what subscription you choose.

Your Schedule

Peet’s coffee is delivered when you choose, and the coffee is roasted the same day it ships to ensure freshness.


Peet’s coffee delivery is a fantastic way to expand your coffee palette. With tons of options, they cover most coffee aficionados needs with unique and ever changing coffee from around the world.