How To Make Iced Coffee

Hey there, fellow coffee enthusiasts! Are you ready to explore the world of iced coffee and add a refreshing twist to your coffee repertoire? Well, you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into everything you need to know about iced coffee – from its fascinating history to different types, brewing methods, popular recipes, health benefits, and more. So grab your favorite mug, fill it with ice, and let’s embark on this flavorful journey together!

Iced coffee is a type of coffee beverage that is brewed hot, then chilled with ice. It is usually served over ice, which can dilute the coffee, so it is often made stronger to compensate for this. Iced coffee can be enjoyed on its own or flavored with sweeteners, creamers, and syrups. Some popular variations of iced coffee include iced latte, iced cappuccino, and iced mocha. It is a popular drink during the summer months, but can be enjoyed year-round.

Best Coffee Brand For Iced Coffee

The Best Roast Types For Iced Coffee

When it comes to making iced coffee, there is no one “best” type of coffee bean. However, certain coffee beans are better suited for iced coffee due to their flavor profile and brewing methods. Here are some recommended coffee beans for iced coffee:

  1. Light Roast: Lightly roasted coffee beans tend to have a bright and fruity flavor, which can be refreshing in an iced coffee.
  2. Arabica Beans: Arabica beans are known for their smooth and mild flavor, making them a good choice for iced coffee.
  3. Single Origin Beans: Single origin beans from a specific region or country tend to have a unique flavor profile that can be highlighted in an iced coffee.
  4. Cold Brew Coffee Beans: Cold brew coffee beans are specifically roasted and blended for cold brewing methods and are a great choice for iced coffee.

How To Make Iced Coffee

Here’s a simple recipe for making iced coffee using a standard coffee maker:


  • 2 cups of water
  • 1/2 cup of coffee grounds
  • Ice cubes
  • Milk or cream (optional)
  • Sugar or sweetener (optional)


  1. Brew the coffee: Fill the water tank of your coffee maker with 2 cups of water and add 1/2 cup of coffee grounds to the basket. Turn on the coffee maker and let it brew.
  2. Chill the coffee: Pour the hot coffee into a glass container and place it in the refrigerator until it cools down to room temperature, typically 10-15 minutes.
  3. Fill with ice: Fill a glass with ice cubes.
  4. Pour the coffee: Pour the cooled coffee over the ice cubes.
  5. Add flavorings (optional): Add milk or cream, sugar, or sweetener to taste. Stir to mix the ingredients.
  6. Enjoy: Your iced coffee is now ready to be enjoyed.

How To Make Iced Coffee With Keurig

Here’s how to make iced coffee using a Keurig coffee maker:

  1. Brew a hot cup of coffee: Brew a cup of hot coffee using your Keurig, using your preferred flavor and strength.
  2. Chill the coffee: Pour the hot coffee into a glass and place it in the refrigerator until it cools down to room temperature, typically 10-15 minutes. You can also add ice cubes to speed up the cooling process.
  3. Fill with ice and add flavorings (optional): Fill the glass with ice cubes and add any flavorings of your choice, such as milk, sugar, or syrup. Stir to mix the ingredients.
  4. Enjoy: Your iced coffee is now ready to be enjoyed. You can also pour the chilled coffee over a glass filled with ice for an even colder drink.

Note: Some Keurig models have a “strong brew” setting that can be used to make a stronger cup of coffee for iced coffee, as the ice will dilute the coffee.

How To Make Iced Coffee With Nespresso

Here’s how to make iced coffee using a Nespresso machine:

  1. Brew a shot of espresso: Brew a shot of espresso using your Nespresso machine and your preferred flavor capsule.
  2. Chill the espresso: Pour the hot espresso into a glass and place it in the refrigerator until it cools down to room temperature, typically 10-15 minutes. You can also add ice cubes to speed up the cooling process.
  3. Fill with water and ice: Fill the glass with filtered cold water and add ice cubes. Stir to mix the ingredients.
  4. Add flavorings (optional): Add any flavorings of your choice, such as milk, sugar, or syrup. Stir to mix the ingredients.
  5. Enjoy: Your iced coffee is now ready to be enjoyed.

Note: If you want a stronger iced coffee, you can brew two shots of espresso and use half the amount of water to dilute the drink. You can also add extra flavorings to taste.

How To Make Iced Coffee With Instant Coffee

While some folks like to make hot coffee and drown it in ice… it tends to turn into a watered down gross-fest. The best way to make this work is to brew it strong and to have it cold. That is why we’re essentially making cold brew concentrate for the iced coffee!

There’s another trick you can do if you’re pressed for time, use instant coffee.


Here’s how to make iced coffee using instant coffee:

  1. Dissolve the instant coffee: Place 1-2 teaspoons of instant coffee in a glass. Add just enough hot water to dissolve the coffee granules, typically 1-2 ounces. This is called a coffee concentrate.
  2. Fill with filtered water and ice: Fill the rest of the glass with filtered cold water and add ice cubes. Stir to mix the ingredients.

Using a minimal amount of hot water to dissolve the instant coffee helps to maintain the strong coffee flavor, which is important since the ice will dilute the drink. The filtered water helps to improve the taste of the iced coffee, while the ice will keep it cool and refreshing. Enjoy your iced coffee!

How Many Calories In An Iced Coffee

The number of calories in an iced coffee can vary depending on the ingredients used and the serving size. Here are some general estimates for a 12-ounce iced coffee:

  • Black iced coffee: Approximately 5 calories, no fat, no carbohydrates, and no protein.
  • Iced coffee with milk and sugar: Approximately 90-150 calories, depending on the amount of milk and sugar used.
  • Iced latte: Approximately 130-180 calories, depending on the size of the drink and the type of milk used.
  • Iced mocha: Approximately 200-300 calories, depending on the size of the drink and the amount of syrup used.

The Bottom Line

Iced coffee is a refreshing and satisfying beverage that is perfect for hot summer days or for those who enjoy a cold, energizing pick-me-up any time of the year. With its versatility and ease of preparation, it’s no wonder that iced coffee has become a staple drink for many coffee lovers around the world. Whether you’re an experienced barista or a beginner, making iced coffee is a fun and simple process that is sure to result in a delicious and satisfying drink.