How To Make Cowboy Coffee

If you’re spending some time outdoors, you might be wondering how to make coffee while camping. Camping in the middle of nowhere might be the difference between standing in the woods by a lake, or in the middle of a field with literally nothing nearby. Making coffee in nature is also known as Cowboy coffee, which is a term coined back in the day. In this article we’ll discuss how to make coffee while camping in the sense of cowboy coffee.

What Is Cowboy Coffee?

Cowboy coffee refers to a method of making coffee while camping, typically in the wilderness, using nothing more than a small pot to boil water in, a cup, water, and coffee. It is rooted in cowboys working the land with their cattle, and a method of making delicious coffee with little resources.

Cowboy Coffee Pot

A cowboy coffee pot, also known as a campfire coffee pot or a percolator, is a type of coffee maker commonly used in outdoor settings, such as camping trips or cowboy camps. It typically consists of a metal pot with a lid and a long handle, and a metal basket with a tube in the middle.

To make coffee with a cowboy coffee pot, you would fill the pot with water and place it over a heat source, such as a campfire or a stove. Then you would put coffee grounds into the metal basket and place it inside the pot, with the tube resting in the water. As the water heats up, it percolates up through the tube and into the coffee grounds, creating coffee.

Once the coffee is brewed to your desired strength, you would remove the pot from the heat and remove the metal basket with the coffee grounds. You can then serve the coffee directly from the pot or transfer it to a separate container.

Cowboy coffee pots are popular among outdoor enthusiasts and those who enjoy rustic coffee-making methods. They can be a fun and practical way to enjoy coffee in the great outdoors.

Top Choice Cowboy Coffee Pot

Choosing the right cowboy coffee pot is key to your success out in the wild. When picking a cowboy coffee pot, we recommend something that is enamelware, thus usable on an open flame, and durable. Typical coffee pot sizes go anywhere from 8 cups to 36. Amazon has a ton of options on their page, but we like the 8 cup GSI outdoor percolator that’s made of steel with an enamel finish. It’s a good size for backpacking, durable, and is good for gas stovetops. We also like the clear view to indicate perking.

The Jetboil stove along with the Jetboil Silicone French Press Coffee Maker accessory can be a great all-in-one solution for those who want to heat water and make coffee while camping or backpacking. The Jetboil stove is a lightweight and portable cooking system that can boil water in just a few minutes, making it an excellent option for outdoor cooking.

The Jetboil Silicone French Press Coffee Maker accessory is designed specifically to work with the Jetboil stove, and it is a great option for coffee lovers who want to brew fresh coffee while on the go. It is compact and lightweight, so it won’t take up too much space in your backpack, and it is also easy to clean.

How To Boil Water When Camping

Boiling water while camping can be accomplished with different means. Building a fire using wood is great, but time consuming. And making sure that you have some sort of surface to rest your coffee pot on may be quite annoying to figure out. If you’re not looking to make this into a big “to do”, check out some of the newer camp stoves that put out so much heat, you’ll have boiled water in no time! I’m a big fan of the Jetboil because it’s compact, crazy efficient, and can boil water in about 100 seconds! Holy cow!

Using the Jetboil and the Jetboil Silicone French Press Coffee Maker accessory together is simple and straightforward. First, fill the Jetboil with water and use the stove to heat the water to your desired temperature. Then, add coffee grounds to the Silicone French Press Coffee Maker accessory, pour the hot water over the grounds, and let the coffee steep for a few minutes. Finally, use the plunger to press down the coffee grounds and separate them from the brewed coffee.

Manual Coffee Grinder

Assuming you’re on the trail and far from an outlet, a manual coffee grinder will ensure a delicious cup of coffee with all the fresh aromas that come with it. This is because it is always best to grind your coffee right before brewing, to lock in all of those delicious flavors!

You’ll want to look for something that’s good for the outdoors. Self contained, ceramic burrs, and made of stainless steel, like the JavaPresse portable manual coffee grinder is ideal because it’s the size of an iPhone, and has an adjustable grind setting fine-coarse. This allows optimal grinding for whichever brew method you have on hand.

In the case of cowboy coffee, you’ll want a coarse grind. It’s easier to separate, and it’ll be less bitter.

How To Make Cowboy Coffee While Camping

Cowboy coffee is rooted in its simplicity, so for the sake of this recipe we’ll keep it super simple. A serving of coffee is ~8 ounces per one scoop of coarsely ground coffee. Think of this almost like French press coffee, where the coffee steeps for 4 minutes before filtering it out. Since cowboy coffee doesn’t use a filter, you’ll need some extra cold water to help the coffee sink to the bottom.

  • Step 1: Boil water then allow to cool for 30 seconds
  • Step 2: Add a scoop of coffee per 8oz
  • Step 3: Stir
  • Step 4: Set a 4 minute timer
  • Step 5: Stir occasionally
  • Step 6: Pour about 1/2 cup cold water over the top of the coffee to cause the grounds to sink — less is more here!
  • Step 7: Gently pour the coffee into your cup & enjoy!

How To Make Coffee While Camping

Cowboy coffee is one of the simplest methods of making coffee on the trail. Having a simple method of boiling water is great with a JetBoil, but if you’re planning on doing a fire, a campfire cooking kit may be worth while.

What Is a Campfire Cooking Kit?

Campfire cooking kits are sets of cooking tools and utensils designed for outdoor cooking over a campfire. They often include a grill grate, pot or pan, and utensils such as tongs, spatula, and spoon. These kits can be useful when making coffee as they provide a stable surface to place a coffee pot or French press over the fire to boil water. They also typically include utensils to safely stir or remove the coffee pot from the fire. Using a campfire cooking kit ensures that you have all the necessary tools to make coffee while camping and reduces the need to bring individual pieces of equipment. This can make the process of making coffee while camping more efficient and convenient. Going camping? Read more about campfire kits here.

Our Choices of Campfire Cooking Kits

Pathfinder School Campfire Survival Kit

The Pathfinder Campfire Survival Kit is a compact and portable camping kit that includes a range of tools and supplies for outdoor cooking and survival. The kit includes a compact campfire stove, a folding spoon, fork, and knife, a stainless steel cup, a small cutting board, a bottle opener, a can opener, and a multi-tool. All of these items are housed in a durable carrying case for easy transport. This is ideal for boiling water in the middle of nowhere as the kit includes a magnesium fire starter so all you’ll need is some kindling and wood to get a fire going for some coffee. This method goes great with an Aeropress.