How To Make Cold Brew Coffee

What Is Cold Brew Coffee?

Cold brew coffee is a method of brewing coffee using cold water instead of hot water, resulting in a smooth and less acidic taste. In the cold brew process, coffee grounds are steeped in cold or room temperature water for an extended period of time, typically 12 to 24 hours. This slow and gentle extraction process allows the coffee to develop a unique flavor profile that is less bitter and more mellow than traditional hot coffee. The resulting cold brew concentrate can be diluted with water, milk, or other liquids and served over ice or heated. It can also be used as a base for other coffee drinks, such as lattes or iced coffee.

How To Make Cold Brew In a French Press

Cold brew coffee is popular among coffee lovers for several reasons. First, the lower acidity level of cold brew makes it easier on the stomach and less likely to cause acid reflux or heartburn. Second, the prolonged brewing process of cold brew allows for a more complex and nuanced flavor profile. Third, the smooth and less bitter taste of cold brew can be more appealing to people who don’t typically enjoy the taste of traditional hot coffee.

Coffee Beans: Costa Rica Aurora by Peet’s coffee

The ratio for cold brew concentrate typically varies depending on personal taste preferences and the strength of the coffee beans used. However, a common ratio for cold brew concentrate is 1:4 coffee to water.

Cold Brew Coffee Recipe:

  1. To make cold brew concentrate using this ratio, you would need to combine 1 part coarsely ground coffee beans with 4 parts cold water. For example, if you were using 1 cup of coffee beans, you would need to add 4 cups of cold water.
  2. Once you have combined the coffee and water, stir the mixture until the coffee grounds are fully saturated. Then, cover the container and let the mixture steep in the refrigerator for at least 12-24 hours.
  3. After the steeping time is complete, strain the cold brew concentrate through a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth to remove the coffee grounds. The resulting cold brew concentrate can be diluted with water or milk to make a cup of cold brew coffee, or it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1-2 weeks.
  4. Press the plunger down and enjoy.

While cold brew is shown to be made in a cold brew coffee maker, you can also just use a French press if you already have on on hand. To make cold brew in a French press, you’d make coffee just as you normally would but do not depress the filter until after 24 hours.

How Long To Steep Cold Brew?

Cold brew coffee typically requires a longer steeping time than regular coffee, because it is brewed using cold water rather than hot water. The exact steeping time will depend on your personal taste preferences, but a good starting point is to steep the coffee for about 12-24 hours.

How Long Does Cold Brew Last?

To ensure that your cold brew coffee lasts for up to 10 days, it is important to store it properly. After brewing, strain the coffee into an airtight container and place it in the refrigerator. Avoid exposing the coffee to air, as this can cause the coffee to oxidize and spoil more quickly.

What Is The Best Coffee Bean For Cold Brew?

Generally we recommend a medium-light roast as they are less acidic after 12-24 hours of steeping. We recommend Costa Rica Aurora by Peet’s coffee because it is low acidity, bold and super smooth. It can also come as a whole bean coffee so it can be ground at the time of making for freshness. It can additionally be ground to specification (coarse).

What Is The Difference Between Cold Brew and Iced Coffee?

Cold brew is brewed using the cold brewing process that takes many hours to extract a strong flavor and makes for a very strong caffeinated beverage once fully infused. Iced coffee uses the hot brewing process and is typically traditional coffee that has been cooled either by sitting out and reaching room temperature and poured over ice.

How Much Caffeine Is There In Cold Brew?

The amount of caffeine in cold brew coffee can vary depending on the type of beans used, the brewing time, and the ratio of coffee to water. On average, cold brew coffee contains about 65 milligrams of caffeine per 8-ounce serving, which is about the same as a cup of drip coffee. However, some cold brew coffee can contain as much as double that amount.

If you are sensitive to caffeine or trying to limit your caffeine intake, you may want to opt for a smaller serving size or choose a coffee with a lower caffeine content. You can also try diluting your cold brew coffee with water or milk to reduce the caffeine content.

Cold Brew Too Strong?

Sometimes cold brew concentrate can be a bit hard on the digestive system so add some ice or filtered water to dilute the beverage. You can also pour a shot of cold brew concentrate and use more milk for a cold brew latte. Interested to learn more? Check out our recipe!

Overall, cold brew coffee is a refreshing and unique alternative to traditional hot coffee, perfect for those who enjoy a refreshing, smooth and less acidic coffee experience.