How To Make a Flat White

A flat white isn’t your every day, run of the mill cup of coffee. A flat white is a delicious, light, sweet experience to try if you haven’t. And an experience it is. Today, I’m going to show you how to make a flat white!

I’ll give you a run down of what the coffee is, what it tastes like, along with a few extra tidbits.

Ready to learn more about making this delicious beverage? Let’s go!

What Is a Flat White Coffee?

A flat white is essentially a cappuccino without the foam, and it became popular here in the United States after Starbucks introduced it to its menu. The flat white can be thought of as the happy medium between a stronger latte, but without as much foam as a cappuccino. When comparing a flat white vs latte, the flat white has less milk in the beverage overall since we’re not adding a foam milk layer on top. Therefore the drink is stronger than a latte. Regarding a flat white vs cappuccino, it is similar in that we’re not including a foam milk layer on top. A flat white is made with steamed or heated milk that’s been frothed.

Ingredients Needed

To make a flat white, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • espresso
  • 2% milk
  • optional: ice

You can use any milk you desire, 2% just happens to froth well and holds up a lot better than other options.

What Is an Iced Flat White?

An iced flat white is actually much easier to make! Just add ice to the espresso, and don’t bother steaming any milk. If you want to froth the milk a bit while its cold, you can add it on top.

Flat White Recipe:


  • Prepare 2 oz of espresso in your preferred method. Either pull two shots of espresso, or use a moka pot.
  • Warm 4oz of milk either in the microwave or in a small saucepan. Microwave for 30 seconds, or warm on the stove 4-5 minutes but do not allow it to boil. If you have an espresso machine, you can use the steamed milk function and skip the next step.
  • Use a hand frother for avbout 20-30 seconds. Allow the bubbles to fade, and continue to froth another 20-30 seconds until the milk looks thicker. Pop any large bubbles, and remove any bubbles from the top layer of the milk.
  • Pour the espresso into the mug.
  • Add the milk at the center of the beverage. The last bit of milk should be super thick, so pour that into the center of the drink.
  • Enjoy!

How To Make a Starbucks Flat White

The Starbucks iteration is simple, just double the milk to 8oz and it should come out a lot closer to what you get in the store.