How To Make Decaf Cold Brew & Which Coffee To Buy

If you’re convinced that decaf cold brew is for you, the good news is that making it at home is incredibly straightforward. You’ll need some decaf dark roast coffee beans, a coffee grinder, and a cold brew maker.

How To Make Decaf Cold Brew

Click here for my favorite decaf coffee…



  1. Start by coarsely grinding the coffee beans. The coarser grind allows for optimal flavor extraction during the brewing process.
  2. Place the ground coffee in your cold brew maker and pour in the cold water.
  3. Allow the coffee to steep in the fridge for at least 12 to 24 hours. This slow extraction process is key to achieving the rich flavor and low acidity that cold brew is known for.
  4. Once the steeping time is up, filter out the coffee grounds. What you’re left with is a decaf cold brew concentrate.
  5. To serve, you can dilute the concentrate with water, milk, or a milk alternative to your liking. Add ice, and your homemade decaf cold brew is ready to enjoy!

Understanding the Caffeine Aspect in Decaf Cold Brew

One of the common misconceptions is that cold brew is always high in caffeine. While it’s true that traditional cold brew can be quite caffeinated, especially when used as a concentrate, decaf cold brew offers a middle ground. It allows you to indulge in the unique flavors and low-acidic nature of cold brew without significantly boosting your caffeine levels. In terms of caffeine content, decaf cold brew is generally less potent than regular cold brew but slightly more caffeinated than decaf hot coffee. This balance makes it an excellent choice for people who are sensitive to caffeine but still wish to enjoy the aromatic richness of coffee.

The Many Reasons to Choose Decaf Cold Brew

Reducing Caffeine Intake

Caffeine sensitivity is a real issue for some people, leading to symptoms like restlessness, insomnia, and even rapid heart rate. If you find that your body doesn’t react well to caffeine but you love the taste of coffee, decaf cold brew is a great alternative. It allows you to enjoy the complexities of coffee flavor without the associated side effects.

A Good Night’s Sleep

For those who love sipping on a cup of coffee in the evening, decaf cold brew offers a way to do so without compromising sleep quality. Since it’s low in caffeine, you can enjoy your evening ritual without worrying about insomnia.

Health Implications

Certain medical conditions, such as cardiac issues or pregnancy, often require reduced caffeine intake. Decaf cold brew is a great option that aligns with these health guidelines, allowing you to enjoy a cup of coffee without concern.

For the Love of Coffee

Then there are those who simply enjoy the rich and smooth flavor profile that coffee offers but do not want the jitteriness that often accompanies a caffeinated cup. For this group, decaf cold brew is nothing short of a boon. It provides the full experience of enjoying a coffee without any of the caffeine-induced side effects.

Decaf Cold Brew Coffee Brands – Top 6

If you’re a coffee enthusiast who loves the full-bodied richness of cold brew but wants to minimize caffeine intake, you’re in the right place. We’ve carefully curated a list of the top six decaf cold brew coffee brands that meet various needs and preferences. Whether you’re looking for low-acid options, ethically sourced beans, or an exceptional flavor experience, our selection has got you covered.
Our picks range from brands that prioritize environmental sustainability and ethical sourcing to those that focus on innovative processing methods for retaining flavor while removing caffeine. No matter your priorities—taste, health, or moral considerations—we believe one of these top-notch decaf cold brew coffee brands will resonate.

1: Lifeboost Coffee Whole Bean Decaf

Guess where these gems come from? The majestic mountains of Central America! Yeah, you heard me right! Shade-grown at high elevations, and what’s more, the farms we work with are bird-friendly! Talk about responsible and sustainable coffee!

Now, let’s get real for a sec. You know that standard cup of joe you’re sipping every morning? It might be giving you a sour stomach and teeth troubles. But fear not, because Lifeboost comes to the rescue with its low acid coffee beans! That’s right, all the amazing benefits of coffee without any of those pesky side effects.

But wait, there’s more! These beans are not just delicious; they’re also Certified Organic by the USDA and undergo third-party testing for over 400 toxins! We’re talking mycotoxins, heavy metals, pesticides – they don’t stand a chance against our premium brew!

  • Lifeboost Non-GMO organic whole bean coffee: Pure, natural flavor straight from nature.
  • Grown in the bird-friendly mountains of Central America: Shade-grown at high elevations for ethical sourcing.
  • Low acid coffee beans: Enjoy all the benefits of coffee without stomach discomfort or teeth issues.
  • Certified Organic & 3rd Party Tested: USDA Certified and tested for mycotoxins, heavy metals, and 400 other toxins.

2: Bizzy Cold Brew Coffee Decaf Blend

The Bizzy Cold Brew Coffee Decaf Blend which is made from 100% Arabica beans and medium roasted to a toasted, cocoa aroma with a nutty chocolatey flavor with a smooth finish. Decaffeinated using a water process, this extremely well reviewed coffee is a perfect addition to your coffee making routine! Coarsely ground and micro sifted for more uniform sizing and reduced grittiness during the filter process, you’ll love making decaf cold brew with this!


  • Excellent flavor
  • Micro-sifted for uniform sizing
  • Includes clear brewing instructions on the bag

Instant Cold Brew Without The Wait

3: Stack Street Organic Swiss Decaf Cold Brew Coffee

Stack Street is back with their organic Swiss decaf cold brew coffee. This single sourced coffee is a responsibly sourced coffee that is certified USDA organic and Kosher. Made from 100% Arabica Colombian Supremo coffee beans, this decaf coffee is roasted dark in micro batches for the best flavor and is indiscernible from regular coffee.


  • Excellent flavor
  • Coarse ground
  • Sourced directly from growers in a responsible way
  • Kosher & USDA organic

4: Stone Street Cold Brew Decaf Coffee

We are big fans of Stone Street’s decaf cold brew coffee because it brings together everything needed for an excellent brew. Made from 100% Arabica beans that are coarsely ground, this coffee has undergone the Swiss water process to decaffeinate the coffee using only water while preserving all the coffee’s original characteristics. Medium roasted, this coffee is formulated to be low-acid, smooth & balanced to make a slightly sweet cold brew.


  • Low in acidity
  • Smooth & balanced flavor
  • Excellent packaging

5: Maud’s Tall Dark & Handsome Dark Roast Decaf Cold Brew Ground Coffee

Tall, dark, and handsome, we never thought coffee could be described this way but here we have Maud’s cold brew decaf dark roast doing exactly that. Full bodied and ultra smooth, this naturally low-acid coffee brings notes of toasted nuts. Made from 100% Arabica organic are fair trade beans from around the world, and roasted in California using 100% solar energy.


  • Well reviewed / Excellent taste
  • Coarsely ground
  • Sustainably roasted

6: Kicking Horse Coffee, Decaf, Swiss Water Process, Dark Roast, Whole Bean

Kicking Horse brings a dark roast with a whole bean to the table with their decaf coffee that brings notes of hazelnuts and a chocolatey balanced body with a long lasting finish. Sourced from Central and South America, this coffee is grown responsibly and is 100% Arabica that’s roasted in the Rocky Mountains.


  • Dark Roast
  • Low-acid
  • Certified fair trade & USDA Organic
  • Swiss water process for decaffeination

Instant Cold Brew Without The Wait

Decaf Cold Brew Recipe

Cold brew coffee is a type of coffee that is made by steeping coffee grounds in cold water for an extended period of time, usually 12-24 hours. It is a simple and easy way to make coffee, and the resulting brew is often smoother, less acidic, and has a more mellow flavor than hot brewed coffee. Here’s how to make cold brew coffee at home:

  1. Grind your coffee beans. Use a coarser grind than you would for hot brewed coffee, as the finer grounds can make the cold brew muddy and bitter.
  2. Combine the coffee grounds and cold water in a jar or pitcher. Use a ratio of 1:8, so for every 1 cup of coffee grounds, use 8 cups of water.
  3. Stir the mixture to make sure all the grounds are fully saturated.
  4. Cover the jar or pitcher and let it sit at room temperature for 12-24 hours. The longer it steeps, the stronger the coffee will be.
  5. Strain the coffee through a fine-mesh sieve or a coffee filter to remove the grounds.
  6. Serve the cold brew over ice or refrigerate it for later use. You can dilute the cold brew with water or milk to your desired strength.

Benefits of Decaf Cold Brew

Decaf cold brew coffee has several potential health benefits:

  1. Reduced risk of caffeine-related side effects: Since decaf cold brew coffee is made using decaffeinated coffee beans, it contains much lower levels of caffeine than regular cold brew coffee. This makes it a good option for people who are sensitive to caffeine or who want to avoid the potential side effects of caffeine, such as jitters, insomnia, or heart palpitations.
  2. Improved cardiovascular health: Some studies have suggested that moderate coffee consumption may be associated with a lower risk of heart disease and stroke. While these benefits are typically attributed to the antioxidants and other beneficial compounds found in coffee, decaf cold brew coffee may also provide some of these benefits without the added caffeine.
  3. Increased hydration: Cold brew coffee has a lower acidity level than regular hot coffee, which can make it easier on the stomach and less dehydrating. Decaf cold brew coffee can be a good option for people who want to enjoy the flavor of coffee without the potential digestive upset or dehydration that can be caused by caffeine.
  4. Potential cancer-fighting properties: Some studies have suggested that coffee consumption may be associated with a lower risk of certain types of cancer, including breast, prostate, and liver cancer. While more research is needed to confirm these findings, decaf cold brew coffee may provide some of these potential benefits without the added caffeine.